
Removable Prosthodontics



Removable Prosthodontics

Prosthodontic Olympics

The Prosthodontic Olympics was developed with a philosophy that learning can be engaging and fun. The competition consists of 5 events: alginate impressions, boxing a final impression, placing a rubber dam, crown preparations, and making a provisional restoration. Students work in teams and dress in costume for the games.  Prizes worth over $7,000 are donated by dental companies and awarded to gold, silver and bronze medalists.  Classwork is cancelled on the morning of the competition and there is a boisterous opening ceremonies with lighting of an 'Olympic' flame and the introduction of the teams.


Olympic Results 2020


Olympic Rules


Olympic Records


Olympic Sponsors


Research on the Prosthodontic Olympics

Best Costumes 2020: Trailer Plaque Boys

Olympic Photos


Olympic Photos


Comments from Students


Olympic Gold Medals 2020